Finding Balance in the New Year

My mom got me a wii balance board for Christmas. The first time I got on it and did the balancing exercises it said my wii age was 9 years older than I really am. Ouch! But I am not surprised, because finding balance is always something that takes a little time for me. Oh how I need to remember that right now!

Because each year as the new year rolls in, I don’t necessarily make resolutions (although sometime I do), but I do always take time to note where I am at and where I would like to be, and think about what steps I need to take to get there. Most of the time I look forward to this and once I’ve evaluated things, I am thankful I see what areas I need to focus on. Then I start work on finding balance in the new year.

This year reminds me of one of the games that came with my balance board. I am standing in a circus ring trying to balance on a giant ball, while people throw balls at me and I attempt to throw them back. I didn’t do so well on it.

As I look around at my life where I am living in a new place with a house full of girls and trying to balance all that comes with that in addition to my own children and husband, I feel a bit like I am trying to juggle on a circus ball. As I look at the picture of where I want to be, I really can’t say I know exactly how to get there. I have prioritized and made lists and scheduled and my planner is so full it leaves little room for those unexpected things that matter more than clean floors and exercise–like encouraging young souls and training them up in the way they should go.

But thankfully, I know in times past when I have felt this way, it has been one of the best places I can be. Because there is no way I am getting through this one on my own strength, I am a lot less likely to try to. I can’t fall back on my own understanding, so I have to trust in His. So I will pray for God to multiply the fish and the loaves and sustain me and my home this year.

This doesn’t mean I was not anxiously peering into the unknown yesterday with dread as I looked around at all the items to unpack from our Christmas vacation, along with all the new toys and gifts to find places for when all of our cupboards and closets are already crammed full and in need of reorganizing. Far worse, it doesn’t mean I don’t wonder sometimes at how I will be able to guide my children and my girls to the right path. When I see signs of weeds coming in and choking out the seed I wonder how I will be able to pick them all.

And yet, I have a vision of the Proverbs 31 woman who rises early and goes to bed late working for her family and yet smiles at the future, not worrying about it. It is because her trust is in the Lord that she can do this. Surely her day was full. Surely she had much to do and never stopped. And she could not have known how it would all work out. But she did not stop doing the things that needed to be done. She trusted the God who cares for the lilies and the sparrows, and can’t I do the same?

And so, as I face this new year of uncertainty, I ask for wisdom from the God “who gives liberally and without reproach.” (James 1:5)

I trust Him to work in me and accomplish what He wants to accomplish. I trust Him to equip me for the tasks He has called me to. And I move forward, seeking to be a good steward and increase what He has given to me, not fearfully hide it in the sand.




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